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Dr. Scott Turansky and his wife, Carrie, have five children. Josh, their oldest son, is starting a Bible College in Hawaii. He is married to Melinda and they have two sons, Hudson and Hayden. Melissa is a registered nurse working in a hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ben is a US Marine, stationed in Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Megan and Elizabeth are twins, living at home and working full time. Scott has co-authored four books on parenting and speaks around the country teaching parenting seminars in churches and schools. He and Joanne use drama, practical stories, and examples to teach biblical principles of parenting.

Joanne MillerJoanne Miller, RN, BSN and her husband, Ed, have two sons. Dave and Tim both work for their dad in the family's business, Miller Projects, LLC. Joanne has been a pediatric nurse since 1986 and is a public speaker. She is a co-author, with Scott, of "Parenting is Heart Work," along with three other books on parenting. She delights in helping children change their hearts, not just their behavior.

Dr. Turansky and Mrs. Miller, RN, BSN are the co-founders of the National Center for Biblical Parenting, an organization that offers Christian Parenting Conferences, trains leaders to run Effective Parenting Support Groups, and provides biblical parenting resources to churches.

The Turanskys and the Millers have been in ministry together since 1988. They teach parenting seminars as outreach to the community through churches all over the US. Their books, videos, workbooks, and parent training materials focus on the heart to help children make lasting changes. Using drama, stories, and the scriptures they give parents the practical help they can use right now.

Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller use drama, illustrations and practical application to teach families how to be successful.

Here's our Statement of Faith.

Effective Parenting
Effective Parenting
76 Hopatcong Dr, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-4136
800-771-8334 / 609-771-8002
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